You turned your back to us and chosed to forget us and hole your previous life. In the same time you chosed to not have lived at all that time of your lifetime here on earth. All of the good things you´ve done and lived thru you just dinyed has happend.
No one who not experienced that feeling can ever understand what thoughts and feelings we have lived thru this past years of your totally dinying.
It´s just as we have never been there and never lived.
But we ARE here, and we live. Every day until our time has come. It´s hard to even try to understand your choice, and your choice to live. But still we are here and we live. What choice you ever take from here we are no part of it, and the path of life you chosed from then is totally your owne. We have nothing to do with it. So you just have to face your mistakes on your owne. We stand apart from you.
We had to chosed our owne way to live, wither we wanted or not, even if we could or not, we were forced to do that. And we made it.
Without you, you who chosed to dinye us from your life. Your children you dinyed, your whole previous life you dinyed from even being a part in history.
You called me your best friend…
I answer you quitely and softly: